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Iceland - Day 10 reykjavik part deux

Walking day to explore reykjavik, Dunkin donuts, phallus museum, 360 degree view towers,......only one of those happened, oops. First up parking at BSI Reykjavik, then a quick walk through the park, National Museum of Iceland. It is awesome and informative ( it's way better then the Maritime Museum and has a bit if Maritime info as well) it is a multi level experience showcasing a lot of Icelandic history. Their are interactive exhibits, things to touch, buttons to push, drawers to use... it us very well laid out and walks you through a lot of the history here. The first ever census in this world was conducted in 1703, population at the time was just over 50,000.  Next up lunch, at the best fish and chips in iceland, Fish and Chips Vagninn down by the Maritime Museum right in the water in a food truck-ish trailer. They are delicious not oily or heavy and the chips are cooked to perfection as well. Then a walk past he harpa to the Sólfarið (Sun Voyager) for a few photos. The grand daddy of museums was up next. The Icelandic Phallological Museum was wicked informational and humorous all at once. It is worth it as you will struggle to find something similar that stacks up to a 5 foot whale phallus. After the informational eyeball intake we headed to a cafe, Bakarí Sandholt. The brownie and coffee was great and we talked with some other tourists for a while about their trip to Iceland and the excessive lobster rolls they had. We have not really interacted with Icelanders as it seems easier to find tourists everywhere. We finished the day at the The Culture House - Museum, it is elaborately laid out with half levels but walks you through a very intriguing look at the history, animals, art, culture of this small country. Art was interlaced with hundred year old copies of iceland rules that have been copied over and over, with more ornate images added through the versions. Stuffed birds and Viking drinking horns were only Meters away from one another. It was a very enveloping way to experience the exhibit. Audio walk through qr codes are available for the exhibits. All in all it was a great day in the city.


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