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Iceland - Day 6 Vik

I started by making my chofeur drop off for the volunteers. Followed by my start to Vik. I stopped at Seljalandsfoss so I could walk behind a waterfall. It was right next to the road and was a wet hike around the falls. Next up Skógafoss, 36ish double stairs and 390 regular stairs later and you can be at the top. It was foggy and was not the best view today but it looked like it was clearer on the return trip. Then turned right to go to Reynisfjara, a very black beach. The very round and smooth rocks size changed from the water to the cliffs, the stone was larger by the water and became increasingly smaller as you got further away. The waves were very big and crashed very close to the shore. I then went to Vik to look at the
Reynisdrangar from another vantage point. The beach was quiet, I somehow ended up being the only person on the one to the right if the seawall long enough to get a few pictures. I then scaled the tiny town to go take pictures at the vik church. I then started back to the golden circle and decided to view the Reynisdrangar from  Kirkjufjara beach. The arch here and photo spots are awesome, as long as you have some visibility. I then drove up to the light house located at Dyrhólaey. I then headed back to selfoss, stopping to try and snap a picture of eyjafjallajökull, but it was shrouded in fog and clouds. I then returned to finish my chofeur duties and returned home.


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