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Showing posts from May, 2016

Iceland - Day 10 reykjavik part deux

Walking day to explore reykjavik, Dunkin donuts, phallus museum, 360 degree view towers,......only one of those happened, oops. First up parking at BSI Reykjavik, then a quick walk through the park, National Museum of Iceland. It is awesome and informative ( it's way better then the Maritime Museum and has a bit if Maritime info as well) it is a multi level experience showcasing a lot of Icelandic history. Their are interactive exhibits, things to touch, buttons to push, drawers to use... it us very well laid out and walks you through a lot of the history here. The first ever census in this world was conducted in 1703, population at the time was just over 50,000.  Next up lunch, at the best fish and chips in iceland, Fish and Chips Vagninn down by the Maritime Museum right in the water in a food truck-ish trailer. They are delicious not oily or heavy and the chips are cooked to perfection as well. Then a walk past he harpa to the Sólfarið (Sun Voyager) for a few photos. The grand

Iceland - Day 9 Snæfellsjökull

We went non stop from morning till almost 11pm so this one is more of an outline. Long morning drive to Snæfellsjökull, we stopped in Arnarstapi to check out the bird cliffs and land bridges. Relaxing in the national park We stopped at the crater Then then went to the black rock  Then went to the golden sand beach We got hot dogs in Grundarfjörður for dinner

Iceland - Day 8 explore

Today we explored our surroundings, I started off the morning with a hike around the peninsula to check out the unoccupied hot spring (finally, people are always driving by or stopping in to ask for direction. It must be the only one for a while around as it is busy). Then I found a trekking crew and we went across the road and hiked a mountain. It was moss covered rocks, that sort of move under foot, yet easy to climb. It was a fairly quick hike up and it got a little steep and sketchy so we went 92% of the way. It was still awesome. After the hike I went in the local hot spring tub. It's a hot spring running into a concrete and rock pool about the size of a hot tub. I then wadded out into the ocean and dive in and "swam" a couple strokes and then promptly removed myself from the freezing cold water. (It did not feel colder then maine ocean water because it's not 90 degrees out like when we swim at home) This is what a picnic area in iceland looks like, this is n

Iceland - Day 7 Þingvellir

Clean, clean, clean, and move out of house one. It was a fairly easy travel day north west from the golden circle. We started by taking the back way, again. Then went to Þingvellir, you pay to park by the car load and you pay to use the WC (200kr). This is and has been a very important place for iceland, meetings, killings... you know Icelandic stuff. Then off to the new house, It's awesome. The view is exactly what you think of iceland ( water, mountains, hot springs, old fishing boats, lakes, sheep dogs and dumb birds, the birds are so dumb they just fly slowly in the middle of the road). See view from new house in picture.

Iceland - Day 6 Vik

I s tarted by making my chofeur drop off for the volunteers. Followed by my start to Vik. I stopped at Seljalandsfoss so I could walk behind a waterfall. It was right next to the road and was a wet hike around the falls. Next up Skógafoss, 36ish double stairs and 390 regular stairs later and you can be at the top. It was foggy and was not the best view today but it looked like it was clearer on the return trip. Then turned right to go to Reynisfjara, a very black beach. The very round and smooth rocks size changed from the water to the cliffs, the stone was larger by the water and became increasingly smaller as you got further away. The waves were very big and crashed very close to the shore. I then went to Vik to look at the Reynisdrangar from another vantage point. The beach was quiet, I somehow ended up being the only person on the one to the right if the seawall long enough to get a few pictures. I then scaled the tiny town to go take pictures at the vik church. I then started b

Iceland - day 5 vikings

Started off the day at church in skalholt, then on to the first waterfall of the day, Hjalparfoss. We then drove north to a Viking housing development recreation in anticipation for stong, after some advanced puddles we discovered the road to stong is an F road and cannot be travelled on by 2wd rental cars. On to Haifoss Waterfall. Being from Maine it is a sub par dirt road but you can make it within 600 meters, of the fall with a car. Walk the last bit and you will be amazed. Will post tons later. We stopped by a sheep sorting corral and saw some Icelandic horses.

Iceland day 4 - waterfall

Day four started off with heavy rain and wind. It cleared up and turned out to be a very nice day, as they say in Maine "if you do not like the weather, wait 5 minutes" seems to ring true here. Started off the day going to an eco village that will not be named as they did not want me to bring focus of their activities to the internet world. They want volunteers to fly to Iceland and help but don't want me to take photos, they turned the lights out on me. From there to Geysir for a water shaft that shoots into the sky. Hike to the top of the hills right behind the water features. ( Do not wear shoes you like, the red mud is wicked sticky and you will be kicking it off for a while). From there to Gullfoss Falls, which is right up the road. Very easy walk to the falls, go down the stairs, do not just stay on the rim. We tried to find Bruarfoss Waterfall but just drove around a community to no avail. It looks cool in pictures and gets good reviews on Google maps. Then we took

Iceland - Day 3 Reykjavik

First day trip to Icelands city, started at the church Hallgrimskirkja, the Vikin Maritime Museum (was hoping for more, it was interesting learning about women's role in the fishing industry but could have been more involved with actual ships) , according to Google the best hot dog stand Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur (they are great, just get everything on it), photography museum at the Reykjavík City Library (6th floor), and the coolest building I have been in here, the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre.

Iceland - Day 2

The blogger app is not letting me attach previously taken pictures, will update when I return home. Day started with the geothermal tour, it is amazing that it produces almost a third of Iceland electricity and provides heat to reykjavik ( on the waters journey from the plant it losses 2 degrees C, and all excess is used to melt snow from roads and sidewalks by routing it underneath them) Followed by a quick hike in Raufarholshellir, bring a head lamp as you will need your hands. Then to the highest flow waterfall, Urridafoss. Followed by our favorite grocery store, Bonus in selfoss. As a side note the attached photo was taken at 10:19pm.

Iceland day 1 - 35 hours strong

First off, getting to Iceland at 00:30  Eastern standard time / 4:30 Iceland time makes for an interesting and long travel day. We traveled around the south west coast, hugging the water as much as we could and stopping at the location where two tectonic plates are split and you can walk between them. We also went to a mineral pool and sulfur rich hot springs. Shopping is fun and is very interested to feel out produce and meat purchases. Things are not open in Iceland on Sundays (obviously some things are, just a lot are not) or before 09:00 or after 19:00 every day, before June. It appears that most stuff opens June 1st ( visitor centers, Viking recreations,....) things that are closed in the winter but are open for tourist season. If you land late / early a 24hr subway exist here  in the corner of this shopping center, I do not love subway but at 4 am with no idea on a Sunday when your next meal is gong to be right off it is wonderful. This is the view from the Subway Kronan parking

Off to iceland

Planning is done? Tickets are booked, places to stay are all set and now I wait until it is time to go. I plan on trying to blog a bit while there and will fix in post. If you are planning on going and have not already found this site, check it out. I have read many of the posts and they seem great and full of information I will report back on the usefulness of the articles and post I have read from   I Heart Reykjavik